Modalities I Use

The Emotional Wellbeing Techniques I use are:

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT combines the sequence of tapping on specific points in your body to stimulate aspects of your nervous system.

Cognitive Behaviour Technique (CBT)

CBT helps you manage your problems by reframing the way you think and behave. 


Through hypnotic processes, you can resolve deep emotional issues and create another way of being that supports growth, wellness and happiness. 

Matrix Reimprintting

Matrix Reimprinting helps people connect with their past traumas, using a gentle hypnotic trance to resolve and dissolve old hurts, and gain insight to resolve the unresolvable. 

Career Navigation

Navigating your career starts with knowing yourself, and then knowing how to apply that self knowledge to the right steps to grow your career. 

What My Clients Say

I have been helping people for over 10 years. Here are what some of my clients have said...

Years of trauma, anger, stress and anxiety, gone!  Just gone!  I have clarity now to do the things that my heart wants to do, because I can see what I want.  I don’t know what happened, but this made a huge difference.  Thanks so much! 

Thank you so much for all the support you have given me.  I have been struggling for years, and unable to figure out how to move out of my depression.  In just a few sessions, I can now take the next steps in my life.  Wow, what a difference.  That means so much to me. 

I love our sessions.  I feel I can be really open and honest and just blurt out all my crazy overwhelm.  Its nice to have a safe space to let go!  Xx  Thank you for all your support over the last year. 

Thanks for taking care of my son.  I can not get over the difference in his behaviour and ability to cope.  He is sleeping better, and not getting so angry any more 

I don’t know what happened right now, but I feel like something changed, and for the better.  I now know how I came to be in such a state.  I will need time to reflect on this, but thank you.  I feel completely different. 

I just don’t see the world the same now, and the great thing is I have figured out my place in the world.  I don’t seek to please others any more, and put them before me.  Its time for me, and I now know who I am.  I also finally know what it feels like to love myself.