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Life Transformation Services

Book in a FREE online discovery session with me by clicking here.

Emotional Freedom

Emotional Mastery

A supported transformative adventure with a tailored 6-session Emotional Mastery Journey designed to guide you through the depths of self-discovery and empowerment.  Learn about your belief system and how it impacts your life today, and create a new empowering strategy.



Empower & Elevate

“Empower & Elevate” unfolds as an 8-session odyssey, a Strategic Transformation Journey designed to ignite your personal power and elevate you to new heights of self-realization.  Similar to Emotional Mastery this programme is for those who need a little more time to process.


Peak Potential

Tailored to mid career and Leaders, the Peak Potential brings together deep behavioural insight and behaviour feedback along with 6 tailored coaching sessions to support your career strategy.  Learn about your communication style, your leadership style and how you can leverage your strengths to impact your performance. 

Career Services

Tailored for early career seekers, students and career transitioners

Complete your career assessment

Complete a 25-minute career preferences assessment designed to identify your key strengths, your potential and careers that would most likely give you a lot of enjoyment.

Step Two - Book Feedback

Once you have completed your assessment you will receive your online Career Navigation site. This will contain key information to help you see your potential. Along with this, we provide feedback, to help you focus on the key things that will help you in your career.

Step Three - Create Strategy

Choose study options based on your likely fit for success. Use the information to boost your CV, or discuss with your manager to help to boost your career. Click here if you require further coaching to help you.

Step Four - Take Action

Armed with knowledge, a strategy and new insights, you can now begin to move in the path that fits your natural talents, and understand how a great development pathway fits your strengths. 

What My Clients Say

I have been helping people for over 10 years. Here are what some of my clients have said...

Years of trauma, anger, stress and anxiety, gone!  Just gone!  I have clarity now to do the things that my heart wants to do, because I can see what I want.  I don’t know what happened, but this made a huge difference.  Thanks so much! 

Thank you so much for all the support you have given me.  I have been struggling for years, and unable to figure out how to move out of my depression.  In just a few sessions, I can now take the next steps in my life.  Wow, what a difference.  That means so much to me. 

I love our sessions.  I feel I can be really open and honest and just blurt out all my crazy overwhelm.  Its nice to have a safe space to let go!  Xx  Thank you for all your support over the last year. 

Thanks for taking care of my son.  I can not get over the difference in his behaviour and ability to cope.  He is sleeping better, and not getting so angry any more 

I don’t know what happened right now, but I feel like something changed, and for the better.  I now know how I came to be in such a state.  I will need time to reflect on this, but thank you.  I feel completely different. 

I just don’t see the world the same now, and the great thing is I have figured out my place in the world.  I don’t seek to please others any more, and put them before me.  Its time for me, and I now know who I am.  I also finally know what it feels like to love myself.