Map your Career

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While some students know what they are focused on, others struggle even thinking about a career.  How do you know what jobs exist, let alone what you are suited for?

Creating a career path is so much more than going to University and following a singular plan.  These days people have many careers in their lifetime. It’s ok to try things out, but if you do so with focus, direction and interest then you become great at building on each job you have in your lifetime, and using the experiences to your advantage.

Understanding your key strengths  and natural talents at any stage of your career will help you to plot a career you find satisfying, interesting and meaningful. 


Early Career

With the Harrison Career Navigator, you are using AI technology to understand your unique strengths, potential, development areas and specific careers you would enjoy and why. 

A deeper understanding of your potential career themes will help you make better study choices, focus on specific careers and create a career plan that fits you.   

The Career Navigator is like having a career counsellor in your own room, or you can have additional coaching and support to prepare for your next move. 

We offer a free online group session to help you get the best of your Career Navigator so you can research and make choices that fit your unique strengths and potential.


What will I learn about myself?

Many students do not understand their unique abilities or what study pathways will support their future aspirations or career potential.

Assessments that generalise people give no deep understanding of individuals’ unique potential matched to the strengths that employers look for.

The Harrison Career Navigator lists 700+ careers and indicates how likely you are to enjoy each career.

It does this by gathering information in a 25-minute questionnaire where you will choose your preferences according to the questions asked.  This is not a right or wrong exercise, but rather, an exercise in finding out more about your:

      • Interests
      • Task Preferences
      • Work Environment Preferences
      • Interpersonal Skills
      • Key Motivators
      • Decision Making Tendencies
      • Leadership Tendencies

This information is designed to help you shortlist and learn about careers that could be interesting. 

You can then use the Career Enjoyment Analysis report to investigate further into exactly what you will and will not like about that career.